Suggested approach to learning the material:
(1) Settle yourself in with your textbook, notebook, paper for HW, and computer.
Note: If you don’t have high speed internet, Charter is offering two months of free broadband and Wifi for households with K-12 and college students!
(2) Go to my website and open the link (under Math 265B) for “Online Continuation of Course”. Note the date and the assigned topics.
(3) Scan through the indicated section in the textbook (read lightly) to see what topics are being covered.
Dig in:
(4) Watch the videos, pausing and practicing along the way as indicated.
(5) As you watch, take notes, as you would in class. Note where you have questions to ask me later.
(6) Do the homework problems. Note where you get stuck.
(7) Post questions to Pronto. Instructions for Pronto